Pubg New state trailer reaction!

Pubg (Player Unknown Battle Ground) is the international multiplayer battle game which recently changed there partnership Chinese company tencent into krafton (Microsoft), due to some data issues.

Now pubg team has launched the trailer of Pubg New State, a next  game from Pubg. Its is Also a multiplayer battle game with ultra realistic graphics. It is also under krafton(for data storage).

This game has the 8×8 km map and modern guns and many more weapons. The trailer shows that, the game occur in a city named Troi in 2051. pubg mobile has the iconic weapon as "pan", like the same in this game also they included pan as a major weopon.

New modern car and bikes were revealed e.g. Tesla. Only one map is revealed in this trailer soon the other maps will be revealed after the game launched.
Ahead the preregistration is going on..!


This game contains many modern weapons. Think so the game really supports in very high technical smartphones (contains Minimum RAM of 4GB), because their first point is that the game is ultra realistic graphics game.

And in the game the player can able customize the map according to their wish.

My reaction:

As well the game trailer creates a great hype to play at least once. And the graphics basically looks like the graphics of Call Of Duty. The modern things in the future which is in the idea of the game creator, can change the whole game.

They said this game can be completed in few mins itself.  They reduced the timing of the each match Because in Pubg Mobile most of the people complained that it takes much time.

They included drone attacks and it automatically zooms in when we start to shoot (a shoulder view).

As in pubg Mobile in Pubg New State also there came the Red Zones(very excited).

Pubg New state trailer reaction!

Pubg (Player Unknown Battle Ground) is the international multiplayer battle game which recently changed there partnership Chinese company tencent into krafton (Microsoft), due to some data issues.

Now pubg team has launched the trailer of Pubg New State, a next  game from Pubg. Its is Also a multiplayer battle game with ultra realistic graphics. It is also under krafton(for data storage).

This game has the 8×8 km map and modern guns and many more weapons. The trailer shows that, the game occur in a city named Troi in 2051. pubg mobile has the iconic weapon as "pan", like the same in this game also they included pan as a major weopon.

New modern car and bikes were revealed e.g. Tesla. Only one map is revealed in this trailer soon the other maps will be revealed after the game launched.
Ahead the preregistration is going on..!


This game contains many modern weapons. Think so the game really supports in very high technical smartphones (contains Minimum RAM of 4GB), because their first point is that the game is ultra realistic graphics game.

And in the game the player can able customize the map according to their wish.

My reaction:

As well the game trailer creates a great hype to play at least once. And the graphics basically looks like the graphics of Call Of Duty. The modern things in the future which is in the idea of the game creator, can change the whole game.

They said this game can be completed in few mins itself.  They reduced the timing of the each match Because in Pubg Mobile most of the people complained that it takes much time.

They included drone attacks and it automatically zooms in when we start to shoot (a shoulder view).

As in pubg Mobile in Pubg New State also there came the Red Zones(very excited).

Pubg New state trailer reaction!

Pubg (Player Unknown Battle Ground) is the international multiplayer battle game which recently changed there partnership Chinese company tencent into krafton (Microsoft), due to some data issues.

Now pubg team has launched the trailer of Pubg New State, a next  game from Pubg. Its is Also a multiplayer battle game with ultra realistic graphics. It is also under krafton(for data storage).

This game has the 8×8 km map and modern guns and many more weapons. The trailer shows that, the game occur in a city named Troi in 2051. pubg mobile has the iconic weapon as "pan", like the same in this game also they included pan as a major weopon.

New modern car and bikes were revealed e.g. Tesla. Only one map is revealed in this trailer soon the other maps will be revealed after the game launched.
Ahead the preregistration is going on..!


This game contains many modern weapons. Think so the game really supports in very high technical smartphones (contains Minimum RAM of 4GB), because their first point is that the game is ultra realistic graphics game.

And in the game the player can able customize the map according to their wish.

My reaction:

As well the game trailer creates a great hype to play at least once. And the graphics basically looks like the graphics of Call Of Duty. The modern things in the future which is in the idea of the game creator, can change the whole game.

They said this game can be completed in few mins itself.  They reduced the timing of the each match Because in Pubg Mobile most of the people complained that it takes much time.

They included drone attacks and it automatically zooms in when we start to shoot (a shoulder view).

As in pubg Mobile in Pubg New State also there came the Red Zones(very excited).


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