Hi Everyone,

I am Jeeva,

I was absolutely happy about your support of the last flashback series in which I shared my school day moments with you all. Now it's crazier in my daily life let me say that all.

I am In America:

While the flashback series going on one day I got a dream, “I and my father traveling in a car going so long, in between my father gave the control to me(in reality I don’t know to drive) I am driving in a bridge which is going so high…(not much but I know the basics to drive a car), even after a long time to we didn’t reach the mid of the bridge(we can able to see the clouds very close to us). But I am pulling the car with my whole effort and finally brought it to the mid.

There we are, IN AMERICA, we were seeing the statue of liberty below us(so think how high the bridge is). We moved very fast into the city(I think it is New York) I am having my relative there in NY, so in the next scene, we are in their house.


And we are just reaching their house, by back flood came What! Yes flood, I don’t have any idea from where the flood came to NY. And the water covers every house till their roof.
But they are being very casual about it(as the everyday flood comes). In the next few mins, the flood water dried out😆.

And I don’t know what happened next I woke up from that amazing dream.

About this dream:

Yes I know, it is more illusionary. But Dreams are special for unimaginable right! There is no possibility to travel in a car to America from India(it’s an ocean between). And there is no bridge hitting the clouds and above the statue of liberty. But I promise in the future there will be humans hitting the clouds easily.


Today(when this post uploading) I am gonna watch the first episode of the Loki series. And I want to start writing the next post too… so keep supporting by sharing this page with your lovely friends and if possible share it in your Whatsapp status.
Meet you all in the Next Two Days(Saturday) bye!

I am In America:

While the flashback series going on one day I got a dream, “I and my father traveling in a car going so long, in between my father gave the control to me(in reality I don’t know to drive) I am driving in a bridge which is going so high…(not much but I know the basics to drive a car), even after a long time to we didn’t reach the mid of the bridge(we can able to see the clouds very close to us). But I am pulling the car with my whole effort and finally brought it to the mid

There we are, IN AMERICA, we were seeing the statue of liberty below us(so think how high the bridge is). We moved very fast into the city(I think it is New York) I am having my relative there in NY, so in the next scene, we are in their house.


And we are just reaching their house, by back flood came What! Yes flood, I don’t have any idea from where the flood came to NY. And the water covers every house till their roof.
But they are being very casual about it(as the everyday flood comes). In the next few mins, the flood water dried out😆.

And I don’t know what happened next I woke up from that amazing dream.

I am In America:

While the flashback series going on one day I got a dream, “I and my father traveling in a car going so long, in between my father gave the control to me(in reality I don’t know to drive) I am driving in a bridge which is going so high…(not much but I know the basics to drive a car), even after a long time to we didn’t reach the mid of the bridge(we can able to see the clouds very close to us). But I am pulling the car with my whole effort and finally brought it to the mid

There we are, IN AMERICA, we were seeing the statue of liberty below us(so think how high the bridge is). We moved very fast into the city(I think it is New York) I am having my relative there in NY, so in the next scene, we are in their house.


And we are just reaching their house, by back flood came What! Yes flood, I don’t have any idea from where the flood came to NY. And the water covers every house till their roof.
But they are being very casual about it(as the everyday flood comes). In the next few mins, the flood water dried out😆.

And I don’t know what happened next I woke up from that amazing dream.

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