Third Wave comes or not!

Hi Everyone,

I am Jeeva

Again I am to you we all are in this pandemic situation right, in India it is the end time of the covid second wave. and we people were disturbed a lot and we faced much death in our country. Now everyone has the same doubt whether the corona third wave comes or is over because in the last year our life plate was upside down.

schools, college, profession, passion all were gone down. To recover these all corona's graph should go down. but now there virally spreading rumors saying about the third wave of covid in India.

The official thing is Yes, some of the official news saying there are changes to the third wave of corona and joint it is recommended to vaccinate every people to avoid severe damage of economy.

According to experts they said there are a bunch of chances for the third wave of corona in India. and we are also hearing some talks like the third wave will be affecting children more than other age groups but no guys there is not any official news said these kinds of stuff.

And now it is said to the beginning of the third wave has been started in some states of India. yes, maybe this information can be true because the kind of the third wave is confirmed only by the increase and decrease of covid cases.

I want to say this to people affected by covid, be strong it is not any destination of your life. think as it was a normal fever with some high risks. you can recover easily by believing in yourself.

Hope these critical situations clear soon…

Second wave:

we know India reached the end of corona second wave after some terrible situations, due to this second wave people affected randomly everywhere around. Comparing to the first wave second wave is very strong than it predicted and it might the third wave will be much stronger than this.

In the first wave, we all are been very entertained in the home but this second wave affected our close relations too. this made a very strong fear of the upcoming effect of the corona.

Because it is not only one, it is changing its variance every day seems. and most predicted is the Delta+ variant will be more spread in the third wave if it comes.

Recover From Corona:

if people known to you or staying near to you are affected please be aware. Make sure you’re following all the safety measures given by the experts. and my suggestion is to make your kids very safe first and drink hot water and health drinks(kabasura kudineer) every day. Use vaporizer and take in healthy foods.

And most important avoid unnecessary outings. Stay home and clean yourself and your surroundings by time.


I am posting My thought on the social occurrence and blending to the public through this website. Sharing my thought is not the only thing filled here, in this website I bring up some information to you through simple English.

in India it is the end time of the covid second wave. and we people were disturbed a lot and we faced much death in our country. Now everyone has the same doubt whether the corona third wave comes or is over because in the last year our life plate was upside down.

schools, college, profession, passion all were gone down. To recover these all corona's graph should go down. but now there virally spreading rumors saying about the third wave of covid in India.

The official thing is Yes, some of the official news saying there are changes to the third wave of corona and joint it is recommended to vaccinate every people to avoid severe damage of economy.

According to experts they said there are a bunch of chances for the third wave of corona in India. and we are also hearing some talks like the third wave will be affecting children more than other age groups but no guys there is not any official news said these kinds of stuff.

And now it is said to the beginning of the third wave has been started in some states of India. yes, maybe this information can be true because the kind of the third wave is confirmed only by the increase and decrease of covid cases.

I want to say this to people affected by covid, be strong it is not any destination of your life. think as it was a normal fever with some high risks. you can recover easily by believing in yourself.

we know India reached the end of corona second wave after some terrible situations, due to this second wave people affected randomly everywhere around. Comparing to the first wave second wave is very strong than it predicted and it might the third wave will be much stronger than this.

In the first wave, we all are been very entertained in the home but this second wave affected our close relations too. this made a very strong fear of the upcoming effect of the corona.

Because it is not only one, it is changing its variance every day seems. and most predicted is the Delta+ variant will be more spread in the third wave if it comes.

if people known to you or staying near to you are affected please be aware. Make sure you’re following all the safety measures given by the experts. and my suggestion is to make your kids very safe first and drink hot water and health drinks(kabasura kudineer) every day. Use vaporizer and take in healthy foods.


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